Tjej skriver post-it-lappar i workshop

Generative AI in digital training

This workshop is for those who want to learn how to best use various AI tools throughout the entire process of creating a digital training program. During the workshop, we go through the entire production flow and use the most suitable AI tools for each step.


No specific prior knowledge is required.
You have heard about AI and are curious.

Workshop information

Book a half-day session for 1-5 people.

Different levels

Gain hands-on experience with various AI tools.
Start with the basics or book an advanced level.


Image, audio, and text production, as well as idea generation and concept development.


Contact us to book.

Färgpalett illustration

During the workshop, you will:

  • Use AI tools for idea and concept development
  • Try different methods and techniques
  • Learn how to use AI tools in the scriptwriting process
  • Develop target audience-adapted content
  • Create questions and tests
  • Learn to create images and audio
  • Review grammar and tone with AI tools.

Want to know more?

Contact us!