We hold basic courses in various authoring tools such as Lectora, Camtasia, CenarioVR, Rise 360 and Storyline 360. The courses are suitable for those who want to get started and create digital educations.
We hold basic courses in various authoring tools such as Lectora, Camtasia, CenarioVR, Rise 360 and Storyline 360. The courses are suitable for those who want to get started and create digital educations.
We hold basic courses in various authoring tools such as Lectora, Camtasia, CenarioVR, Rise 360 and Storyline 360. The courses are suitable for those who want to get started and create digital educations.
With Camtasia, you can quickly create quality screen recordings and edit videos. This basic training gives you the knowledge you need to get started.
During this course you will learn the basics of CenarioVR and you will gain knowledge of how you can design, develop and publish in, for example, 360 environments.
During this basic training in Storyline 360 and Rise 360, you will get the knowledge you need to get started and create courses and see results immediately.
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